Steven Paul Jobs lahir di San Francisco, California, Amerika Syarikat, 24 Februari 1955 adalah pemimpin syarikat Apple Computer bersama Steve Wozniak dan tokoh utama dalam industri komputer. Sebagai pengasas (dengan Steve Wozniak) Apple Computer pada tahun 1976, ia mempopularkan konsep komputer di rumah tangga dengan Apple II. Kemudian, ia merupakan salah satu orang yang pertama kali menyedari potensi untuk mengomersialkan antara muka pengguna grafik (graphical user interface) dan tetikus yang dibangunkan di Palo Alto Research Center syarikat Xerox, dan kemudian teknologi ini diterapkannya ke dalam Apple Macintosh.
Jobs juga memimpin Pixar Animation Studios, sebuah syarikat komputer animasi terkemuka di dunia layar lebar. telah menjadi multi-jutawan sebelum berumur 30 tahun. Bermula dengan syarikat NeXT untuk membuat sistem pendidikan dengan harga yang berpatutan, mendapati bahawa menjual software lebih baik dari pada menjual hardware.
Dilahirkan di San Francisco oleh ibunya Joanne Simpson dan ayahnya Abdulfattah Jandali mahasiswa tetamu dari Syria yang kemudian menjadi profesor sains politik. Sejak bayi beliau diterima pakai Paul dan Clara Jobs dari Mountain View, Santa Clara County California. Orang tua angkat inilah yang memberikan nama Steven Jobs. Orang tua biologisnya kelak berkahwin dan memberinya adik perempuan bernama Mona Simpson yang kini terkenal sebagai novelis.
Beliau melewati masa SMP dan SMU di Curpetino, Califonia, seringkali setelah jam sekolah mengajar di Hewlett Packard Company di Palo Alto, California. Maka tak heran segera setelah itu ia dan Steve Wozniak segera menjadi pekerja sambilan di syarikat ini. Di tahun 1972, Jobs lulus dari SMA Homestead di Cupertino, California dan diterima di Reed College di Portland, Oregon, tapi dikeluarkan / drop out selepas satu semester. Tapi ia segera mendaftar ke Reed College, salah satu hal yang dipelajari di sini kaligrafi. "Jika saya tak pernah dikeluarkan dari tempat belajar hanya satu semester mungkin Mac saat ini tak akan mempunyai multiple typefaces atau font-font yang proposional," katanya.
Di musim luruh tahun 1974, Jobs kembali ke California dan mula menghadiri mesyuarat "Homebrew Computer Club" dengan Steve Wozniak. Dia dan Wozniak bersama bekerja di Atari Inc., Sebuah syarikat pembuat permainan komputer yang terkenal, dengan jabatan sebagai perancang permainannya. Motivasinya saat itu adalah mengumpulkan wang untuk melakukan perjalanan spiritual ke India.
Jobs kemudian melakukan perjalanan pencerahan spritual ke India bersama temannya di Reed College, Daniel Kottke, yang kemudian hari menjadi pegawai Apple yang pertama. Kembali dari India dia menjadi Buddhist dengan rambut dicukur / gundul dan mengenakan pakaian tradisional India (sami?). Selama masa ini ia mengamalkan psychedelics (semacam meditasi, saat itu Jobs sering dianggap aneh, kerana berjalan telanjang kaki di atas Salju-ini semacam meditasi kesedaran). Ini adalah dua atau tiga perkara yang paling penting dalam hidup yang pernah ia lakukan dalam hidupnya.
Pada tahun 1976, Jobs, usia 21, dan Wozniak, 26, mendirikan Apple Computer Co. di garaj milik keluarga Jobs. Komputer peribadi yang diperkenalkan Jobs and Wozniak diberi name Apple I. Komputer itu dijual dengan harga AS $ 666.66, sebagai rujukan terhadap nombor telefon dari Wozniak s Dial-A-Joke machine, yang berakhir dengan -6666.
Di tahun 1977, Jobs dan Wozniak memperkenalkan Apple II, yang menjadi kejayaan besar di pasaran rumah tangga dan memberi Apple pengaruh besar dalam industri komputer peribadi yang masih muda. Pada tahun 1980, Apple Computer mencatatkan namanya di bursa efek, dan dengan tawaran saham awal yang berjaya, kemasyhuran Jobs bertambah. Tahun itu juga, Apple Computer melepas Apple III, walaupun kejayaannya tidak sebaik sebelumnya.
Seiring dengan berkembangnya Apple Computer, syarikat itu mula mencari kepimpinan baru untuk membantu mengatur perkembangan syarikat tersebut. Di tahun 1983, Jobs tackle John Sculley, dari syarikat Pepsi-Cola, untuk memimpin Apple Computer, dengan cabaran, "Apakah kamu mau menjual minuman berkarbon seumur hidupmu, atau mahukah kamu mengubah dunia?" (Do you want to just sell sugared water for the rest of your life, or do you want to change the world?) Tahun itu juga, Apple juga mengeluarkan Apple Lisa yang teknologinya tergolong sangat maju pada masa itu tapi gagal meraih pembeli di pasaran .
Tahun 1984 menjadi tahun pengenalan Macintosh, komputer pertama yang berjaya dijual ke pasaran dengan menghadirkan ciri antara muka pengguna grafik. Pembangunan Mac dicetuskan oleh Jef Raskin dan pasukan tersebut menggunakan teknologi yang telah dibangunkan bukan oleh Apple, seperti di Xerox s PARC, tetapi belum sempat dikomersialkan. Kejayaan Macintosh membuat Apple menelantarkan Apple II demi membangunkan pengeluaran Mac, yang bertahan sampai saat ini.
Walaupun Jobs sangat persuasif dan berkarisma bagi Apple, Banyak yang menganggap dia sebagai pemimpin yang gampang berubah fikiran dan beremosi tinggi. Di tahun 1985, setelah banyak menyebabkan masalah kepimpinan di dalam Apple, Sculley memberhentikan Jobs dari jabatannya dan mengusirnya dari Apple.
Setelah keluar dari Apple, Jobs menubuhkan sebuah syarikat komputer lagi, NeXT Computer yang seperti Lisa, NeXT tergolong sangat maju dalam hal teknologi, tetapi tidak pernah menjadi terkenal, kecuali di lingkup penyelidikan sains. (Tim Berners-Lee mengembangkan sistem World Wide Web di CERN dengan menggunakan sebuah NeXT workstation.) Namun NeXT membantu memajukan teknologi-teknologi sepert program object-oriented, PostScript, dan peranti magneto-optical.
Di tahun 1996, Apple membeli NeXT pada harga AS $ 402 juta, dan membawa Jobs kembali ke syarikat yang ia dirikan. Di tahun 1997 ia menjadi pemimpin sementara di Apple selepas pemergian Gil Amelio.
Dengan pembelian NeXT, banyak teknologi dari NeXT diterapkan ke dalam produk buatan Apple, terutama NeXTSTEP, yang berkembang menjadi Mac OS X. Dibawah bimbingan Jobs syarikat tersebut meningkatkan penjualannya setelah memperkenalkan iMac. iMac merupakan komputer pertama yang dijual dengan mengutamakan penampilannya (walaupun iMac juga banyak menggunakan teknologi maju di dalamnya). Sejak saat itu, penampilan yang menarik dan jenama yang terkenal telah memberikan keuntungan bagi Apple.
Belakangan ini, Apple mula mengembangkan sayapnya. Dengan pengenalan iPod alat muzik mudah alih, perisian iTunes, dan iTunes Music Store, syarikat tersebut melakukan gebrakan di bidang peralatan elektronik peribadi dan muzik dalam talian. Sambil merangsang inovasi, Jobs juga mengingatkan bawahannya bahawa, "artis tulen membuahkan hasil," (real artists ship) yang maksudnya adalah, menghasilkan karya-karya dengan tepat waktu sama pentingnya dengan inovasi dan produk jitu.
Jobs bekerja di Apple selama beberapa tahun dengan gaji AS$1/tahun. Karenanya dia tercatat di buku Guinness World Records sebagai "pemimpin perusahaan dengan gaji terendah" (Lowest Paid Chief Executive Officer). Setelah Apple mulai meraih laba penjualan kembali, perusahaan tersebut melepaskan gelarnya sebagai pemimpin sementara. Saat ini penghasilannya di Apple adalah AS$219 juta, menurut sebuah artikel yang ditulis di situs Bloomberg di tahun 2003.
Jobs sangat dikagumi karena keahliannya untuk meyakinkan orang dan menjadi salesman unggul, yang sering dijuluki reality distortion field dan hal ini tampak nyata saat ia memberikan keynote speeches di Apple expos. Namun, kegigihannya juga pernah mengundang sial. Kekerasan kepalanya mungkin telah menyebabkan Apple kehilangan kesempatan emas untuk menjadi pemimpin di bidang komputer pribadi. Keenganannya untuk membiarkan perusahaan lain membuat komputer yang kompatible dengan Macintosh mengakibatkan Apple harus menelan kekalahan dalam merebut pengguna komputer yang ada. Perusahaan piranti keras dan lunak akhirnya memutuskan untuk mengadopsi platform IBM PC yang menggunakan sistem operasi buatan Microsoft. Microsoft kemudian juga mengejar ketinggalannya dari Apple dengan mengembangkan antarmuka pengguna grafis buatan mereka sendiri, Microsoft Windows.
Di tahun 1986 Jobs mendirikan (bersama Edwin Catmull) Pixar, sebuah studio animasi komputer di Emeryville, California. Perusahaan itu didirikan dari apa yang dahulunya divisi grafik komputer milik Lucasfilm, yang Jobs beli dari pendirinya, George Lucas, sebesar AS$10 juta. Satu dekade kemudian, Pixar berkembang menjadi terkenal dan berhasil dengan film terobosannya Toy Story. Sejak saat itu Pixar sudah membuahkan film-film yang memenangkan Academy Award yaitu Finding Nemo dan The Incredibles. Karena kepemimpinannya di Pixar dan juga kemapanannya di Apple, Jobs dianggap oleh banyak pengamat industri hiburan salah satu calon pengganti Michael Eisner sebagai pemimpin dari The Walt Disney Company, yang mendistribusikan dan mendanai film-film buatan Pixar.
Pada tanggal 25 agustus 2011, Pendiri sekaligus presiden (CEO) Apple Inc,, Steven Paul Jobs akhirnya resmi memutuskan untuk mengundurkan diri. Tetapi dirinya masih dikenang oleh masyarakat dunia karena karya - karyanya. Mulai tahun 1976 ia mengeluarkan Apples l. Karya - karyanya terus berkembang sampai terakhir tahun 2010 ia mengeluarkan iPad yang sempat menghebohkan dunia.
Steve Jobs meninggal pada usia 56 tahun. Setelah bergulat dengan kanker pangkreas yang telah mengerogoti tubuhnya selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Berita “Steve Jobs meninggal” ini diumumkan oleh pimpinan Apple pada rabu malam 5 Oktober 2011. Ikon Lembah Silikon ini dikenang atas jasanya menghibur dunia dengan iPod iPhone dan yang terakhir adalah iPad. Agustus lalu, dia baru saja menyerahkan posisi CEO kepada Tim Cook. Steve Jobs sendiri dikenal sebagai legenda di Apple bahkan bisa dibilang maestro teknologi yang paling inovatif abad ini. Slamat jalan sang maestro
Berikut Karya - karya Steve Jobs saat masih memimpin CEO Apple Inc
1. Apple l (1976). Apple l ini merupakan produk pertama dari CEO Apple Inc buatan Steve dan diluncurkan pada tahun 1976.
2. Apple ll (1977)
normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 0px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-decorations-in-effect: none; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; font-family:'Times New Roman';font-size:85%;">Steve memperkenalkan Apple ll ini tahun 1977 sebagai komputer pribadi pertama untuk grafis warna 3. Macintosh (1984) Pada tahun 1984, Macintosh komersial buatan Steve ini mulai dijual dan dimotori oleh Ridley Scott yang merupakan pengusaha kaya pada waktu itu.4. Apple llC (1984), Untuk Apple llC ini,, Steve Jobs bekerjasama dengan Steve Wonzniak dalam pembuatannya.Diluncurkan 24 April 1984 dan selang beberapa bulan setelah pembuatan Macintosh. 5. Macintosh Portable (1989), Ini merupakan perkembangan dari Macintosh sebelumnya,, dengan menggunakan layar Portable.6. Powerbook (1991), Steve berhasil membuat Powerbook pertama didunia. Untuk pengembangannya sekarang berupa Laptop atau Notebook.7. iMac (1998), Diperkenal kan pertama kali tanggal 7 Mei 1998.iMac ini diplot sebagai inovasi dalam desain komputer pada saat itu. 8. iPod (2001), iPod ini pertama kali dikenalkan tahun 2001. Keberadaan iPod terssebut menjadi awal adanya pemutar media digital.9. iPhone (2007), iPhone pertama kali dipasarkan tahun 29 Juni 2007 di AS. Ada beberapa genrasi iPhone dalam perkembangannya seperti iPhone 3G, 3GS dan 4.10. iPad (2010), iPad merupakan gadget terbaru keluaran Apple dan merupakan yang tercanggih. Fungsi utama nya adalah sebagai e-Book Reader dan fungsi lainnya adalah untuk musik, film dan internetan layaknya tablet PC
Our initial statement to Investors and Financial Lenders, this restaurant/ethnic food business plan, is a candid disclosure of the Zara Restaurant & Lounge business proposal - our intent is to set realistic business expectations, and eliminate any questions about the profitability of this business venture.
Entrepreneurs have a tendency to paint the restaurant business plan with a very optimistic brush, highlighting strengths and camouflaging the risks. We, as business owners, have a vested stake and financial commitment in the success of this restaurant. Our intent is to have a definitive business, financial, and marketing plan that not only serves our need for capital financing, but is utilized as our daily business roadmap. We have taken all precautions to validate our business and financial models, focusing on realistic projections. We have accomplished this as follows:
Our financial model is rooted in industry facts, not optimism. We have based costs on our vast industry and practical experience with similar ventures, validation against National Restaurant industry cost averages, and analysis against local Atlanta market averages. We have taken a collective look at all figures to make solid business estimates.
Our business concept was derived from detailed Market Analyses. Instead of building a business around a preconceived concept, we analysed the market findings and built a concept around our consumers. In other words, our business is built to service an unmet consumer 'want'.
A buffered financial plan that ensures adequate capitalization. A contingency buffer is included in the start-up cost to ensure the business in not under financed, as well as giving the business adequate funding to sustain it in the first six months of start-up. Our industry experience confirms a longer ramp-up stage for restaurants over other retail/service businesses. A common mistake for new entrepreneurs , but fully addressed in this business plan.
A solid Risk Mitigation Plan. We have evaluated traditional and non-traditional risks associated with Restaurant failure and accounted for them directly in the business plan. Instead of dismissing the risks, we have identified valid mitigation strategies for each.
Deep Management Experience. Our management team has 20 years combined experience, involved with over 86 restaurant openings, and deep involvement with the Atlanta restaurant industry.
The total capital requirement to launch Zara Restaurant & Lounge is $740,000, of which $643,000 is allocated to start-up capital, and $97,000 as business operations cash reserve.
This Plan is being submitted in order to secure a Business loan for $430,000. The loan will be used towards Equipment purchase, Design, Construction, and Operational Start-Up expenses. Owners, Mr. Alex Hunte and Mr. Peter Smith are investing $110,000 in personal capital. Private Investors, who will be part owners with a non-managerial interest in the business, will contribute the remaining $200,000.
As owners, our commitment is to take personal accountability for all financial debt. We have taken the necessary precautions to ensure the business is fully capitalized, and have addressed all financial shortfalls to ensure a successful business start-up. Under a realistic scenario, the company should have over $84,000 in cash balance the third year. Even with the worst-case sales scenario, we reach a Net Worth break even at the end of Year 5. On a linear projection, the entire financial debt will be retired by Year 7.
Zara will be an inspiring restaurant, combining an eclectic atmosphere with excellent and interesting food. The mission is to have not only a great food selection, but also efficient and superior service - customer satisfaction is our paramount objective. Zara will be the restaurant of choice for a mature and adult crowd, couples and singles, young and old, male or female.
Employee welfare, participation, and training are equally important to our success. Everyone is treated fairly and with the utmost respect. Our employees will feel a part of the success of Zara Restaurant & Lounge.
Our concept combines variety, ambiance, entertainment and a superior staff to create a sense of 'place' in order to reach our goal of overall value in the dining/entertainment experience.We offer fair profits for the owners and investors, and a rewarding place to work for the employees.
Keys to Success
Unique, Innovative & Contemporary: The creation of a unique and innovative fine dining atmosphere will differentiate us from the competition. The restaurant will stand out from the other restaurants in the area because of the unique design and decor. We will offer a fine dining experience in an electric atmosphere.
Product quality: great food, great service and atmosphere.
‘Spice of Life' Menu: The menu will appeal to a wide and varied clientele. Our eclectic menu features regional specialties around the globe, from Spanish ceviche, to Thai and Indian curries, to local crabcakes.
Employee Retention Focus: Employee retention and development programs will be a primary focus and success platform for this business. Through these programs, we will be able to draw seasoned and elite professionals and build a committed work force. We have budgeted for a stock option program for Chef and Management positions to subsidize a lower salary base. This lowers our immediate overhead and attracts quality staff.
Cost Control Focus: We will control costs at all times, without exception. Cost Control will be an integrated function of the restaurant from the onset. Cost control is about managing the numbers - interpreting and comparing the numbers that impact the bottom line. 80 percent of the success of a restaurant is determined before it opens. Our focus is to reduce the cost of goods sold to meet our profit margin goals by managing the following crucial elements of cost: Purchasing, Receiving, Storage, Issuing Inventory, Rough Preparation, Service Preparation, Portioning, Order Taking, Cash Receipts, Bank Deposits and Accounts Payable. We will use of this restaurant/ethnic food business plan to track actual costs against our forecasts in managing the business.
Due to intense competition, restauranteurs must look for ways to differentiate their business to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage. Midtown/Downtown Atlanta's redevelopment requires a place that will fit into the 'new look' of the community, one that is contemporary and entertaining. Zara will fill that niche.
Zara Restaurant & Lounge's objectives for the first three years of operation include:
Keeping food costs at less than 35% of revenue.
Improving our Gross Margin from 65.41% in Year 1 to 67.10 in Year 2. These are attainable targets; our ‘stretch' is to attain 70.73% by Year 3.
Keeping employee labor cost between 37-39% of total sales.
Remaining a small, unique restaurant with eclectic food and service.
Averaging sales between $1,200,000 - 1,500,000 per year.
Promoting and expanding the Zara restaurant concept as a unique Midtown destination restaurant.
Expanding our marketing and advertising in Atlanta and in the neighboring suburbs to increase our customer base.
Achieving a profitable investment return for investors for Years 2 - 6.
The Design
Zara Restaurant & Lounge is unique to Midtown Atlanta. The restaurant features 3 venues in one (a concept called ‘Multi-Branding'): A Tapas Lounge, Cosmopolitan Bar, and Full Service Dining. This concept offers customers variety, offering multiple dining and entertainment options within a single establishment. The spatial and menu divisions will broaden our appeal and provide our customers with a different experience on each visit.
The atmosphere caters to a young but mature adult crowd. This is not a family dining establishment. Total space requirements are 3,000 square feet. In total, the restaurant will provide seating for 110 patrons. Where possible, consideration will be given to incorporate a dining patio. Zoning, parking, and accessibility issues will be reviewed as key criteria. We will draw on our Advisory Board as part of the site selection and lease negotiation.
The Menu
Zara is focused on servicing Atlanta's growing demand for an ethnic eating experience. For lack of a better term we are launching a ‘multi-ethnic' cuisine restaurant - a restaurant concept that responds to Atlanta's need for selection and choice. Zara is a complimentary mingling of international cuisine on a single menu. The Midtown demographics fit this concept perfectly.
The ManagementOur management team has over 48 years combined experience in food, restaurant and hotel, business management, finance, and marketing arenas.
Company Ownership
The restaurant will start out as an LLC corporation, owned by its founders, Zander Hunte and Peter Smith. Mr. Smith will function as the General Manager and Executive Chef, and Mr. Hunte as Managing Partner.
Mr. Hunte and Mr. Smith have a long-standing professional relationship in the restaurant industry, stemming back to Toronto, Canada. Mr. Smith is an accomplished restauranteur, having owned several full-service restaurants. He currently owns Brassaii Restaurant (, and Bauhaus Bar and Nightclub. Mr. Smith is also an international Restaurant Consultant for top organizations such as the Starwood Group, who own the hotel chains of The Westin, Sheraton Hotels, Four Points, St. Regis, and W Hotels.
Mr. Hunte has a background in International Business Management, and is certified in Restaurant and Hotel Management. Under the management of Zander Hunte, Myth Restaurant was a feature restaurant in Toronto, and distinguished as a top 10 restaurant while under his management from 1992 - 1995.
Start-up Summary
We are currently negotiating a restaurant space of 3,000 sq. ft. in Midtown Atlanta, Georgia, and will open Zara in October of this year.
Our start-up costs are mostly expensed equipment, furniture, painting, reconstruction, rent, start-up labor, liquor license, and legal and consulting costs associated with opening our restaurant. At the start of business, $97,000 will be allocated for business operations reserve. This is a solid start-up forecast based on our market analysis and our knowledge and experience in the industry.
We will purchase the following $73,311 worth of current assets during start-up :
Long-term Assets in the amount of $65,000 include all kitchen equipment.
We have budgeted for the services for a premier Restaurant Consultant familiar with the Atlanta Market. This is especially key during the site selection and start-up stage. This company will have an integral role in validating the final restaurant location and personnel selection, and participate on the Zara Advisory Board.
The two owners are personally committing $110,000 of capital, plus a $300,000 SBA 7(A) loan guaranty. In addition, we have obtained a $130,000 grant from the city towards restoration of our historical building, as part of the city's Midtown revitalization program, contingent upon locating in the proposed space. We are seeking $200,000 of equity investment to fully fund Zara's startup costs.
Location & Operations
Restaurant Location
Midtown Atlanta is the location selected for the Zara concept. The outlook for the future of Atlanta's Midtown district is exceptionally positive and the most progressive development area in the city. Developers are infusing over $50 billion in Commercial, Residential, and Retail development. Zara's will benefit from Atlanta's desire to revamp the Midtown district with a $130,000 renovation grant for restoring and renovating the 100 year old property we plan to lease.
The market has been carefully selected and tested for the necessary demographics and retail traffic necessary to meet the goals laid down for profitability. The busy Midtown commercial/residential location has been chosen based upon a successful demographic model and a traffic count of more than 33,000 cars daily.
Restaurant DesignSingle-Level Design Concept: The total space requirement is 3,000 square feet. The restaurant will feature a comfortable and open concept design. The central dining area will allocate 76 seats, the lounge 22 seats, and the dining bar with 12 seats. In total, the restaurant will provide seating for 110 patrons. Where possible, consideration will be given to incorporate a dining patio. Zoning, parking, and accessibility issues will be reviewed as part of this analysis.
Optional Patio: During the busy summer months customers can also sit outside on our patio and we will offer a special summer menu, featuring lighter fare, exotic drinks, as well as non-alcoholic offerings. The patio setting will be a fun and casual atmosphere for the summer crowd.
Operating Criteria
The restaurant will be located in Midtown Atlanta. The restaurant will service lunch, dinner, and after-hours dining during the week and weekends. The restaurant will operate during peak service time to take advantage of street traffic, and after-hour patronage from the entertainment facilities in the area. Service will be available during the following hours:
Lunch: Monday to Saturday, 11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Dinner: Monday to Saturday, 5:30 p.m. - 12 midnight
Sundays - Market brunch takeout only.
Start-up Requirements
Start-up Expenses
Restaurant Consultant (4 months)
Architectural Design
Structural & Plumbing Design
Mechanical & Electrical Design
Graphic Design
Electrical & Structural Engineering Fees
Design Consultants (Kitchen, Interior & Dining)
Engineer & Architect Fees
HVAC (Air Return, Air Ducts, etc.)
Disposal & Demolition
Structural Construction (4 Months General Labour)
Facade (Exterior Construction)
Plaster (Dry Wall)
Mill & Metal Work
Interior Finishes (2500 - 3000 sq. ft.)
Fire Alarm System
Security & Phone System
Liquor Control System - Lease
Stools, Chairs, Tables, Uniforms
POS (Point of Sale System) - Lease
Glassware, Flatware, Smallware (Bar & Lounge)
Glassware, Flatware, Smallware & Supplies (FOH)
Dishwasher, Ice & Glasswasher - Lease
Kitchen Equipment Freight Fees
FF&E Taxes (Taxes on Purchase)
Capitalized Legal Fees (LLC, Investor Agreements)
Software: Restaurant/Inventory
Software: Cost Control
Impact, Tap & Permit Fees
Business License & Temp Certificate of Occ.
Liquor Licenses
Utilities, Disposal, Tax & Insurance
Security Deposits (Phone/Elec/Gas/Water)
Initial Lease Deposits
Bank & Loan Closing Costs
Web Site Construction
Initial Marketing, Training & PR
Research & Development
Start-Up Salary (Mngt & Chefs)
Recruiting (Staff)
Initial Cleaning Services
Total Start-up Expenses
Start-up Assets
Cash Required
Start-up Inventory
Other Current Assets
Long-term Assets
Total Assets
Total Requirements
Zara Restaurant & Lounge will feature international dishes, an eclectic ambiance, and superior service. Our food will be of the finest quality and prepared with exotic flare. Customer satisfaction is the driving force behind our success. We will change our menu every 4 months, but maintain the 'favorites' for loyal patrons. Portions will be modestly sized, garnished with stunning presentation.
Our wine list will be modest and primarily focused on wines from California, Spain, Portugal, and Argentina. Approximately 25% will be available exclusively by the glass, and the remaining labels will be available by the bottle. We will also feature a moderate international beer selection on tap and in bottles. The Zara bar features a comprehensive selection of local and international spirits.
The kitchen staff will have the best in culinary education and work experience. Their creative talents will compliment one another. The lounge and restaurant staff will offer the finest service in an electric atmosphere and offer customers an extraordinary dining experience.
Zara Menus
Zara's varied international menu will feature Thai, Chinese, Spanish, and other regional flavors. The menu flows together to create complementary elements. Normal dining will have a reduced Tapas, Appetizer and Entrée selection, while the Fusion Dim Sum menu will have special items featured only for after-hours dining. The final menu will be defined by the Executive Chef and paired with the wine menu. We have carefully selected a premium wine, beer, and alcohol listing, from which we will choose a modest rotating selection. Zara's marketing will focus on our exotic foods, but our hours, target market, and location will produce significant alcoholic drinks sales. Tapas, in particular, are small dishes meant for sharing while drinking sangria, wine, or other mixed drinks, and the Tapas menu will play up this idea with drink suggestions.
The list below offers a small selection of our opening menu offerings:
Zara Tapas
Shrimp Baskets w/ sweet & sour peanut coulis Minced curry beef/chicken w/ onions in roti wrap (or spring roll)
Mixed Seafood Ceviche w/ couscous siding
Bamboo Chicken Satay w/ kaffir lime and Sesame marmalade
Zara Appetizers
Bread basket served with Olive oil, Black Pepper, and Goat Cheese dip
Blue Crab Fritters with Mango-Tamarind sauce
Crab Cake medallions w/ Shrimp & Lobster ‘Zara'
Mixed Greens with Spanish sherry wine vinaigrette
Asian Pear and Endive Salad with Blue Cheese & Walnuts
Tequila Scallops w/ a Spanish sherry reduction
Thai Red Chili rubbed shrimp
Voodoo Prince Curry Chicken and Bock Chow w/sticky rice in Banana Leaf
Herb Roasted Chicken with ‘Zara' Coo-Chee (House) spices
Zara Chocolate Explosion – Milk, Dark and White chocolate
Zara Fruit Plate
Specialty Drinks & Coffees ($3.5 - 9.5)
A key source of revenue for the restaurant will be alcohol and bar sales. The restaurant will feature exotic drinks on a separate menu. Alcoholic drink specials will be featured, as well as a large non-alcoholic selection. After-hours bar service will feature selections of non-alcoholic drinks to increase bar sales during lunch and after regulatory hours. Bar pricing is competitive; prices range from $3.50 to 6.95. Non-alcoholic drinks will be in the higher price bracket due to preparation requirements. Prices will range from $4.75 to 9.50.
Market Analysis Summary
Instead of building a business around a preconceived concept, we conducted market research and built a concept around our consumers. Our market analysis identified the following key drivers as areas of opportunity to service Atlanta's restaurant customers:
Portion Selection: Nearly 95% of our surveyed focus group endorsed having a choice of different size portions. This statistic is in line with findings reported by the Tableservice Operator Survey. Zara's Tapas concept is built to offer different-sized portions. Our customers want the option to choose what satisfies their appetite.
Menu Variety: Ethnic restaurants are increasing in Atlanta. The proliferation of international cookbooks, food magazines, TV cooking shows and imported goods offers ample evidence that America, as a whole, is currently on an international tasting spree. In fact, eating places that identify themselves as ethnic establishments numbered nearly 78,000 in 1999 and recorded sales of $30.5 billion. Our research results do not identify any single ethnic style of restaurant as desired, but rather suggest that incorporating strong multi-ethnic influences in the menu selection will be popular. Again, variety is the underlying element for this concept.
The Dining Experience: Customer satisfaction with food and service has been and continues to be of utmost importance, but our findings indicate that the décor, lighting, bar, and other options to improve the dining experience are also factors in customer decisions. Zara takes all these factors in consideration for the design of this cosmopolitan restaurant.
Reasonable Prices: This was no surprise given the economic tide. Although the restaurant industry as a whole has seen growth in 2002/2003, customers are demanding value for their dining dollar. Zara's menu is priced at a mid-tier level, with no entrée over $20. In addition we have an extended Tapas and Appetizer selection priced between $3.50 - $9.50, allowing budget dining in a full-service restaurant.
Market Segmentation
Zara's Restaurant & Lounge intends to cater to a wide customer base. We want everyone to feel welcome and entertained. We have defined the following groups as targeted segments that contribute to our growth projections:
The Business Person
Downtown Atlanta Couples
The Destination Customer
High-End Singles
These particular market segments are 25-45 years old, have disposable income, and are seeking upscale, trendy, and comfortable restaurant options. These are the types of people who frequent other restaurants and bars in the area. They are likely to spend more on experiences they perceive as unique, cosmopolitan, and sophisticated. They are also the most open to trying something new, foodwise, and will embrace our international fusion cuisine.
Market Analysis
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Potential Customers
Business Person
Downtown Atlanta Couples
The Destination Customer
High-end Singles
Target Market Segment Strategy
The Business Person: They work hard all day and often stay overnight in a strange city. They need a competent establishment that helps impress clients and prospects. Afterward, they want to relax and use the money they are making (or is expensed by their company). They spend the most on drinks, food and tips. Zara's cosmopolitan flair and comfortable atmosphere will be perfect for sophisticated business people, whether they live in and around Atlanta or are here for work.
Downtown Atlanta Couples: The restaurant will have an intimate, romantic, enticing adult atmosphere that suggests "date." Zara's will be the best date location in town. These young Midtown couples are generally very successful working professionals. In most cases they are budgeting to eat out on a regular basis, as they don't have the time to prepare food nightly.
The Destination Customer: Atlanta is a very 'sectioned' city, and consumers often look only in their own neighborhoods for restaurant options. Zara will break these habits, using marketing to draw customers from outside the main city limits. Zara will be a destination restaurant. Our Destination Clients tend to be new suburbanites that miss the excitement of the inner city. They have disposable income, and will spend quite a bit on such outings. Zara's will be especially appealing to married suburban couples indulging themselves with a "date night" downtown, away from the kids. Many of these consumers are new to Atlanta from larger cities, accustomed to dining within the city and at non-franchised restaurants.
High-end Singles: We will attract them with our eclectic atmosphere and layout. Our international menu, striking decor, entertainment and events, excellent service and engaging clientele will confirm the feeling of being in "the in place" in Atlanta. These are the individuals that pride themselves on socializing and dining at the premier locations - The Image Seekers.
Tourists: Atlanta attracts many vacationers during the summer months of May through September. Zara's will be a destination dining locale, with its attractive atmosphere, international menu, and lounge. A large percentage of the tourist population are vacationing singles, here to socialize and be entertained. This is especially true for the tourist population that visit for sporting and social events - they are not interested in family establishments.
Service Business Analysis
The restaurant industry is highly competitive and risky. The owners know this through their many years of experience opening, running, and improving restaurants across North America. Most new restaurants opened by inexperienced owners struggle or fail. However, those based on solid understandings of the market needs, and management of inventory and staff have a much higher chance of success, especially when combined with prior experience in the restaurant industry.
Restaurants make money by taking inexpensive ingredients, combining them in creative ways, cooking them properly, and selling them at a much higher price. Any ingredients wasted in the kitchen are money thrown out. Any time wasted in seating customers, taking orders or preparing food is money walking away. While some entrepreneurs think that success is as simple as a good location and a trendy concept, we know the truth:
To succeed in the restaurant industry, you need an understanding of the risks and financial conditions, the ability to handle enormous pressure, and the organizational skills to bring off what is essentially a giant catered party, two to three times a day.
Competition and Buying Patterns
In 2003, the top ten Atlanta restaurants shared two things: cozy, hip interiors and reasonably priced, regionally specialized menus. Only one of them offered traditional "southern" cooking. And half of them were located in Midtown. Our competitors are heading in the right direction, but only Zara is based on sound market research in the local market.
Atlanta consumers are seeking variety and new experiences. Location is clearly important, but so is atmosphere and distinctiveness. Our marketing challenge is thus to stand out from our competitors, not only as the "new" restaurant, but as one that offers consistently high quality food, menu variety, and a unique atmosphere. Maintaining our edge will depend partly on marketing ourselves as an adult-only destination, and not a family restaurant.
Strategy and Implementation Summary
Our strategy is simple. We intend to succeed by giving people a combination of excellent and interesting food in an environment that appeals to a wide and varied group of successful adults.
We will focus on establishing a strong identity in our community with a grand opening. Our main focus in marketing thereafter will be to increase customer awareness in the surrounding communities. We will direct all of our tactics and programs toward the goal of explaining who we are and what we do. We will keep our standards high and execute the concept flawlessly, so that word-of-mouth will be our main marketing force.
We will create an appealing and entertaining environment with unbeatable quality at an exceptional price. As an exciting and eclectic restaurant, we will be the talk of the town. Therefore, the execution of our concept is the most critical element of our plan.
All menu items are moderately priced for the area. While we are not striving to be the lowest-priced restaurant, we are aiming to offer exceptional food at reasonable prices for the average restaurant diner.
Competitive Edge
Zara's competitive edges are:
The owners' thorough understandings of opening and running a restaurant
An extraordinary contemporary restaurant design
International menu with featured menu changes every 4 months
Unique, 3-Tiered spatial layout
Chef Co-op program to allow new entrants, trainee and featured chef
Chef/Management Stock Incentive Program.
Inner and Outer City Marketing campaign (i.e. "Come to Town" promotions)
Employee Training, Incentive and Retention program
Competitor Analysis
Below are excerpts from our competitive analysis study.
1. The Kitchen (Direct Competitor):
We were able to draw some conclusions from this analysis that helped defined the concept and positioning for Zara: 1) Keep the menu pricing modest but offer superior food quality and presentation. We plan to keep the menu prices under $20; 2) Midtown is a prime restaurant location. One Midtown Kitchen is in an obscure location but has thrived as one of the more successful restaurants in the area; and 3) The customer base in this segment of Atlanta is ready for after-hours dining, and is willing to travel to establishments that accommodate their needs.
2. Lunaci (Direct Competitor):
This restaurant is a main competitor for Zara, a casual dining restaurant that has evolved to be a great success story for the Midtown district. This restaurant served to validate 1) the tapas concept appeal for Midtown customers; 2) the evolving need for after-hours dining; 3) tapas as a good food concept for after-hours dining (smaller portions, smaller price); 4) the appeal of live Entertainment.
3. Cumulus (Indirect Competitor)
This restaurant has grown in popularity over the years, and has gained popularity as a destination restaurant that can cater to business professionals as well as the local residents. The menu is somewhat formal for this market segment, but the bar attracts a good crowd. During this study it was evident that some patrons came exclusively to sit at the bar, without any intent of dining in the restaurant.
Cumulus is more of a formal dining restaurant and meets a certain need within the community, but I don't see it as a direct competitor of Zara. I do feel that it has some very special elements that have helped it succeed over the past 3 years, which Zara can benefit from.
4. Cheesecake Factory (#1 Restaurant Comparison):
Although Cheesecake Factory is outside of Zara's restaurant district and not considered a direct competitor, it was beneficial to analyze the most profitable restaurant in Atlanta to understand what contributes to their success. Cheesecake Factor offers several key elements that would also benefit Zara: 1) Customer Satisfaction through moderate pricing and high-quality food; 2) Location selection to benefit from core customer demographics, situated in a busy/popular area for both business and residential traffic; 3) Exceptional Service, from the Valet, to Hosting, to Wait, Bus, and Bar staff; and 4) Menu Variety, offering a broad array of menu items.
5. Swing Restaurant (Indirect Competitor):
This restaurant is not in our market district and therefore not a direct competitor, although we do consider it an ‘indirect' competitor. Swing incorporates some of the characteristics that we have mapped out for Zara. Those elements are: 1) A Tapas and Entrée menu – realizing that customers want varied meal size and variety; 2) A club type atmosphere to entice the single scene and to drive bar sales.
Swing validates some of the elements uncovered in our market research as to what the new Atlanta diners are looking for. This serves as a true validation that the timing is right for the Zara Restaurant & Lounge concept.
Failed Restaurant Analysis: Mumbo Jumbo
Mumbo Jumbo was an Atlanta restaurant attraction in the downtown core, a strong competitor that was severely impacted by the patronage demise after 9/11. I also completed an analysis of this restaurant back in 1999 and compared it to this current analysis in 2003. Several factors led to closing of this restaurant:
Location: This was a very cosmopolitan restaurant located in a core business community. The restaurant was hidden in cross streets and away from the general street traffic. This was a destination restaurant and a secondary selection for the general customer base in this area.
Lesson Learned: As part of this analysis, we have determined that the downtown core is not a good fit for the Zara concept. We will limit our site selection to the core Midtown district and the upper Downtown district. Midtown is Atlanta's major growth district and is developing the residential infrastructure in pace with the business infrastructure.
Customer Segment:
Atlanta's downtown core is not ready for this type of restaurant. Atlanta's downtown core is a business district, and residential development for this area is at the Genesis state. The primary customer base is the business person and tourist. The largest percentage of this customer segment will be looking for a restaurant in which to conduct business or a family establishment; Mumbo Jumbo would not be a primary selection in either case.
Lesson Learned: Zara's target market demographics are perfectly in alignment with the Midtown profile. Midtown has a business core as well as a residential core. We will look to the business core for our primary daytime business, but to our residential core for our dinner and after-hours patronage. In addition, the business core will look to Zara as a place of socialization for dinner and after-hours unwinding. Mumbo Jumbo depended on the business segment for their lunch and dinner profits, and customers who would travel from outside the downtown district to eat at the restaurant – there was no static dinner segment.
Hand-in-hand with location, this restaurant also suffered from poor visibility. In the downtown core a large percentage of business is from walk-in traffic. The business and tourist customers tend to select a restaurant from touring the area and accessibility. Mumbo Jumbo was situated on a cross street behind the main street.
Lesson Learned: Although being situated on a main street is not as key in the Midtown district, we will ensure that visibility is part of our site selection criteria. In addition, we will use signage and exterior décor as means to attract customers and get noticed.
In all, this restaurant was a staple in Atlanta's downtown core for over 10 years, but key restaurant disciplines (Location, Customer Segment, Visibility) came back to hurt them as the economic climate changed.
Market Analysis Conclusion:
At the end of the day, everyone that sells prepared meals in this district is a Zara competitor, because we all compete for the same home meal replacement dollar. However, there are two segments of the restaurant industry that are our main competition: the casual dining restaurant and the fine dining value restaurant.
So, if the food and service is better at a fine dining restaurant than a casual restaurant, but price has become a factor as a result of the economic turns, where is a customer more likely to go?
There is no absolute answer to the question, but the solution is to deliver the best food at the best price with the highest level of service in one establishment. This is the very definition of value and the concept at the heart of Zara's business model.
Marketing Strategy
Zara Restaurant & Lounge's Marketing strategy will be to promote our electric food, superior service, and exciting concepts to draw in the local repeat customers. Marketing initiatives will concentrate on the following:
Building and Signage:
The most important Marketing tool that we have is the exterior of our building, and our new sign. We budgeted a great deal into the renovations and decor to generate the aesthetic appeal of Zara. See attached Logo and Web design.
Customer Service:In our years within the restaurant industry, customer service has always been the major draw for the dining clientele. Food and atmosphere is far out-shadowed by superior customer service that turns a new customer into a repeat customer.
Management will demand the wait-staff provide the very best in quality services to the customer, making certain that they are content and satisfied with their dining experience. Wait-staff are thoroughly trained, and every 90 days they undergo a performance appraisal. This is part of our Employee Manual, and Operations Manual guide.
Advertising and Promotion:
Our Advertising Plan and media schedule call for targeting customers directly through local publications aimed at , respectively, singles, couples, and destination customers.
Management recognizes the key to success at this time of initial opening is extensive media promotion. This must be done aggressively in order to accomplish our service goals. A healthy budget is allocated for the first year. A primary part of the budget is allocated to create the media and customer buzz for the month prior to opening and the next three months after the grand opening. The full Marketing program is as follows:.
Media Objectives and Strategy:
Establish our image as a unique Midtown restaurant with great service, value, and great food served in an eclectic atmosphere. We will maximize efficiency in the selection and scheduling of advertisements by:
Selecting primary business publications with high specific market penetration, using The Creative Loafing Dining Section, The Atlanta Journal Constitution, Atlanta City Search, and Social Diva, which all reach our targeted demographics.
Scheduling adequate frequency of ads to impact market with menu items and promotions.
Where possible, positioning advertisements in or near entertainment/food related editorial.
Redirecting customers to our website to register for upcoming functions, VIP lists, reservations, and flash media promotions.
Maximizing ad life with monthly and weekly publications.
Working with The Reynolds Group Media Co. (Zara Advisory Board), we will develop an advertising campaign built around our Zara Diner theme, menu offering, location, and decor. We will support this plan with ads that reinforce the Zara dining concept.
Additionally, we will develop a consistent reach and frequency throughout the year, targeting each specific customer segment within a five-mile radius, and new 'suburbanites,' who still appreciate in-town dining.
Promotional Campaign:
The best way to reach our potential customers is to develop an intense advertising campaign promoting our Zara concept of "Spice of Life." In addition to standard advertising practices, we will gain considerable recognition through newspapers, newsletters and public announcements. Consumers will be encouraged to visit our website to be greeted with a flash media intro that highlights the restaurant, past happenings, upcoming attractions and our dynamic menu.
Our periodic customer surveys and weekly menu item sales evaluations will help us to understand what advertising is working and what is not; basically, who we are reaching. Our goal is to understand our customer, measure the success of our direct marketing and media activities, and redirect advertising as effectively as possible.
Publicity Strategy:
Working with The Reynolds Group, Zara will focus on the following publicity strategies:
Develop a sustained public relations effort, with ongoing contact between key editors and top-level personnel at local dining publications.
Develop a regular and consistent package update program for the major target media, keeping key editors abreast of all new promotions, and menu introductions.
Establish contact with editorial staff for the purpose of being included in entertainment "round-ups"--product comparisons in dining publications and the local papers.
Produce a complete Zara Restaurant history and menu offering piece to be used as the primary public relations tool for all target media editorial contact. This will also be effective for inclusion in press kits.
Press Release/Grand Opening: Zara Restaurant will release a series of press releases on the Grand opening.
Editorial Visitation: Leading up to the Grand Opening, and over the first 6 months of operations, we will invite the most influential reporters and editors from all local publications to Zara Restaurant in order to evaluate our menu, service, and atmosphere.
Publicity Revenues: We anticipate at least 10% of our annual sales will be generated directly from our publicity. A full media kit will be sent to all local publications, and releases on new menu items will be made monthly.
Community: Zara will look for key opportunities to pair with local community development organizations and radio stations to interface with our customers. We will continually look for local community programs in which we can participate, in order to better our community, and give something back.
Marketing Program
In line with our Marketing strategy, we will employ three different marketing tactics to increase customer awareness of Zara: In-Restaurant Marketing, Public Relations Marketing, and Media Marketing. Our most important tactic will be word-of-mouth/in-restaurant marketing. This will be by far the cheapest and most effective of our marketing programs.
Word-of-mouth/In-Restaurant Marketing
Restaurant Night: Every first Monday of the quarter, we will have a special evening for restaurant people. A perfect night for the local area's restaurant owners, chefs and staff to get together to discuss the market and food trends, and possible Co-op efforts to promote the Midtown district. This is not a conflict of interest, it is an effort to increase visibility and patronage across the Midtown district. We will also invite the Midtown Alliance committee for their participation.
Monthly Dating Connection: With the increasing appeal of Internet and speed dating, the restaurant will offer a monthly dating night. In addition to food and beverages, customers can choose from an array of dating packages up for auction.
Wait Area Marketing: Wait staff will service appetizers to customers waiting to be seated or on the wait list.
Live Entertainment parties
Special Events
Valentine's Day
Zara Halloween Masquerade party
Wine tasting weekend
New Year's Eve party
Public Relations Marketing
Georgia Hospitality & Tourism V.I.P. Party: We will host a V.I.P. Dinner before the 'Grand Opening.' This will serve the dual purpose of training our staff and introducing ourselves to the community. The list of individuals we will invite comes from the Chamber of Commerce, Georgia Hospitality & Tourism, and Midtown Development group. We want their full committment to the restaurant to draw the tourist dollars.
Critics' Choice: Prior to the Grand Opening there will be two preliminary parties catering to the Media and Critics community. We will encourage the media and restaurant critics to meet at the restaurant and review the decor, service and food. This will be a preliminary review, where we will consider constructive input to make minor revisions prior to the true Grand Opening. This initial review and input will give critics and media commentors a stake in Zara's success, through their contributions to the final design.
Brochures: Make a brochure for the in-town hotels and business establishments to provide to their guests and staff, containing interior pictures of our restaurant, menus and prices.
Government Relations: There are several Government offices in the Midtown/Downtown area. We will approach them to cater business luncheons and private functions. This will offer us higher visibility for future functions and community events. Word-of-mouth referral is very powerful and particularly amongst the business community.
Private Functions: Target marketing to businesses for regular business lunch and dinner entertaining, and private functions.
Media Marketing
Newspaper campaign: A very targeted media campaign to obtain featured articles about the restaurant in their Living, Entertainment and Dining segments. Notices of all live entertainment segments and special features will be posted to local newspapers' calendar announcements.
Restaurant and Special Events Website: We have contracted with local design teams to deliver a high-quality, navigable, constantly updated website.
Media Relations: Several media relations teams will be utilized to market the Restaurant. Social Diva and Green Frog are two media companies we will utilize for media relations. Both companies have an insightful presence and connection with our target market.
Billboard Advertisement: One month prior to the opening, distinct billboard ads will advertise the launch of the Restaurant.
Inner & Outer City Marketing: We will budget to attract customers from the suburbs.
Sales Strategy
Our strategy is simple: we intend to succeed by giving our customers a combination of delicious and interesting food in an appealing environment, with excellent customer service, whether on their first visit or their hundredth.
Our marketing strategies are designed to get critics and initial customers into our doors. Our sales strategies must take the next step and encourage customers to become repeat customers, and to tell all their friends and acquaintances about the great experiences they just had at Zara.
New restaurants often make one of two mistakes: they are unprepared or underprepared for opening, and initial poor service, speed, or quality discourages customers from returning, or they spend all of their efforts at opening, and are unable to maintain the initial quality customers expect on return visits, decreasing word of mouth advertising and leading to poor revenues.
Zara's sales strategy requires consistently high quality food, service, speed, and atmosphere. We can accomplish this by:
Hiring employees who genuinely enjoy their jobs and appreciate Zara's unique offerings
Continually assessing the quality of all aspects mentioned above, and immediately addressing any problems
Interacting with our customers personally, so they know that their feedback goes directly to the owners
Evaluating food choices for popularity, and keeping favorites on the menu as we rotate seasonal foods and specials
Sales Forecast
The following sales graph is based on first year start-up estimates only. We anticipate that the business will not be at full operating capacity until the sixth month of operations. This is due to the competitive nature of the market and existing customer loyalty. All factors governing our sales progress are outlined below in the Important Assumptions section.
Our sales forecasts for years 3 through 5 are very conservative, compared to industry standard growth rates. (See Ratios table for comparisons.)
Although we hope to do catering for local businesses and government offices with time, we will insist on payment at delivery - we will not sell on credit.
Sales Forecast
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Total Sales Food
Total Sales Bar/Beverages
Total Sales
Direct Cost of Sales
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Total Cost of Sales: Food
Total Cost of Sales: Bar/Beverages
Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales
The following Milestones table lists important business milestones, with dates and managers in charge of each deliverable. The milestone schedule indicates our emphasis on planning and managing the details.
Start Date
End Date
Engage Restaurant Consulting Firm
Site Selection
Final Restaurant Location Approved
Investor Finance Phase
Investor Capital Secured
Investor Partnership LLC Formed
S. Hollier
Interview for Construction Team
Recruit Chef (Equity Partner)
Receive Final Contractor Bids
Construction Budget Approved
Secured SBA Loan
Hire Restaurant Architect
Hire Interior Design Firm
Hire Kitchen Engineer
Hire General Contractor
Finalize Chef Partnership
S. Hollier
Construction Project Kickoff
Contractor A
Gen. Contractor
Finalize Lease Holder Budget
Finalize Lease
R. Shafer
Restaurant Design Complete
Contractor X
Design Contract
Interior Design Complete
Contractor Y
Design Contract
Kitchen Design Complete
Contractor Z
Design Contract
Restaurant Opening Date Approved
Finalize Menu & Wine Selection
Media Plan Review
PR Marketing
Apply for Liquor License
Apply for Construction Permit
Contractor A
Gen. Contractor
Submit Kitchen Plan for Approval
Contractor Z
Design Contract
Board of Health Approval for Kitchen
Liquor License Approved
Architect Review Board Approval
Contractor X
Design Contract
Corporate Brochure
PR Marketing
Review Business & Marketing Plan
Launch Zara Website
Media Marketing
Order Kitchen Equipment
Order Restaurant/Lounge Furniture
Order Office Furniture & Supplies
Business & Marketing Plan Review
PR/Media Advertising (Phase 1)
PR Marketing
Production and Completion of Menus
Construction of Restaurant
Contractor A
Gen. Contractor
Pre-Opening of Zara Restaurant
Employee Training (Phase 1)
Wine Class for Employees (Phase 1)
Wine Distributor
Critics' Choice VIP Party
PR Marketing
Final Construction Punch Out
Contractor A
Gen. Contractor
Restaurant Revisions
Employee Training (Phase 2)
Wine Class for Employees (Phase 2)
Wine Distributor
Grand Opening of Fusion Restaurant
VIP Party 1
PR Marketing
VIP Party 2
PR Marketing
Web Site & E-Mail Media Launch
Media Marketing
General Public Opening
Launch 30-Day Grand Opening
PR Marketing
PR/Media Advertising (Phase 2)
PR Marketing
Business & Marketing Plan Review
Business & Marketing Plan Review
Update Brochure
Media Marketing
Direct Mail
Media Marketing
Advertising (Phase 3)
PR Marketing
Zara Masquerade Party
PR Marketing
Direct Mail
Media Marketing
New Corporate Accounts (5)
Advertising (Phase 4)
PR Marketing
Advertising (Phase 5)
PR Marketing
Zara New Year's Party
PR Marketing
Web Plan Summary
Zara Restaurant & Lounge will have a dedicated website. It will be the virtual business card and portfolio for the company, simple, contemporary and well designed. Our site will offer our menus, prices, reviews and happenings at Zara. We will also have a monthly Paparazzi Review about what did happen at Zara to get new customers interested in our restaurant.
Our website will be used to try out new offers, starting with an on-line order feature for the Sunday Market Brunch, and expanding if the concept gains favor with our customers. A customer will be able to order a selection for pickup using a credit card. Selections will be based on our pre-packaged meals available during the Sunday Market Brunch. This is also a potential for customers needing catering.
The website will include email capabilities and online reservations and special events scheduling.
Management Summary
The strength of our management staff positions us for success. We have assembled a team that embraces different disciplines, accomplished professionals with expertise in all areas of the business, including marketing and restaurant management.
The owners, Zander Hunte (Managing Partner) and Peter Smith (Executive Chef), have considerable experience in the restaurant industry.
In Year 2, we will hire a General Manager to handle the day-to-day Restaurant management. This will assist Zara's Restaurant & Lounge to grow even further.
You can't build investor confidence based on what you will do, but you can inspire confidence based on what you have done. Attached is the portfolio of past success. This Zara Management team has deep roots in the restaurant segment, and have the practical experience to make this venture another great success.
Management Team
Zara Restaurant & Lounge, with more than 48 years of experience between the key officers, understands the importance of a strong management team. The strength of our management staff positions us for success.
Day to day operational management will be conducted by Alex Hunte and Peter Smith, as hands on managers. They will advised and supported by their Advisory Board.
Zara's Advisory Board
Stephen Hollier of Hollier Collier & Loewenthal: Corporate Attorney
John Katz of SS&G Financial Services: CPA
Robert Shaefer of Shafer Hospitality Services: Restaurant Consultant
Mary Zimmerman of The Zimmerman Group: Media & Public Relations consultant
Ownership & Management
Together, Alex Hunte and Peter Smith bring over 20 years of experience in the restaurant industry to their new joint venture.
Alex Hunte: Managing Partner (Operations, Marketing, Financial and Business Development)
Mr. Hunte brings to Zara an accomplished restaurant background, exceptional business acumen, and a lifetime passion for the restaurant experience. Alex has over 17 years of business management in the Information Technology industry. Like IT, successful ventures in the restaurant industry must balance capitalizing on new trends with continual quality assessment. Alex's understanding of day-to-day cash flow planning and staff management will be critical to Zara's financial success.
Mr. Hunte has a background in International Business Management and Business Start-ups, and is certified in Restaurant and Hotel Management. As co-owner, Alex Hunte is responsible for overall direction and operational management. Mr. Hunte is a strong business leader responsible for strategic planning and continued growth of restaurant services and business development. In addition, Alex will be the management lead for all public relations, financial and investor services.
Degrees, Certifications, and Professional Affiliations:
MBA in International Business Management
B.S. in Computer Science
Certified in Restaurant & Hotel Management from Ryerson University
Business partner member of the National Restaurant Association.
Peter Smith: Managing Partner (Executive Chef and Restaurant Operations)
Mr. Smith is an accomplished restaurateur, having owned several full-service restaurants. Mr. Smith is responsible for the concept and the daily operations management, with yearly sales targets of $7 million.
In addition, Peter is the owner of Bauhaus Bar and Nightclub, and former owner of Myth Restaurant, Ouzeri, and Kapilyo Restaurant, all financial and critical successes. Mr. Smith is also an international restaurant consultant for top international organizations. Mr. Smith's Contracting responsibilities for Zara included logistics, Site and Lease Negotiations, Concept Definition, Start-Up and Financial forecast, Menu and Operations Management, as well as Implementation and Launch Management.
With a degree in Economics and an accomplished career, Mr. Smith contributes the experience of his past successes, and is charged with leading the Restaurant Operations, Staff Selection, Menu Definition and Training initiatives for Zara Restaurant & Lounge.
Managing Partner Responsibilities
In addition to the management of day to day operations, both managers, as principals within the company, will oversee menu development, purchasing, portioning, pricing and inventory control, including approval of all financial obligations of the company. They will plan, develop, and establish customer service policies and objectives, and write, explain, and enforce an employee's manual for all employee-related policies.
Responsibilities for hiring and firing employees lie solely with the two operations managers, and any decisions in these areas will be made jointly.
They will:
Manage working capital, including receivables, inventory, cash and marketable securities.
Perform financial forecasting, including capital budgeting, cash flow analysis, pro forma financial statements, and external financing requirements.
Prepare financial analyses of operations for guiding management, including reports which outline the company's income, expenses, and earnings.
Direct preparation of budgets and financial forecasts and arrange for audits of company's accounts.
Personnel Plan
We believe the personnel plan is in good proportion to the size of the restaurant and projected revenues. The staff will include 13 full-time employees and 8 part-time employees, who will work a total of 754 manhours per week and generate an average monthly gross payroll of $27,308 for the first year in business. The estimated gross annual payroll of $399,588 (including Partner Salaries) is 37% of total sales.
Wage salaries for service personnel (waitstaff, busboys, bartenders) do not include anticipated tips. With average tipping rates for the Atlanta, Georgia area, and our menu prices, service employees should average at least twice the minimum wage in any given shift. Skilled waitresses and bartenders on weekends and evenings will make substantially more.
The Executive Chef will be assisted by:
An Assistant Chef from a national search (1).
A Sou chef with considerable experience in different restaurants (1).
Cooks that work directly with Peter or the sous chef (2).
Prep cooks/dishwasher (2).
People cleaning the restaurant (2).
Restaurant Operations:
Alex Hunte will manage the Financial Management, Bookkeeping, PR/Media Advertising, and Investor Services. Alex Hunte will also manage the daily Restaurant Operations.
Peter Smith will be the Restaurant Manager. He will be the primary responsible for daily Restaurant Operations, taking care of Wait and Bar Staff. Peter will also take lead as the Executive Chef working with the Head Chef.
To help Peter, he will have servers that will work as ‘captains' (these people have experience in managing, waiting tables and bartending) and take care of service and make sure the restaurant is in excellent shape (2).
Servers that work part time (4).
Full-time bartender (1).
Part-time bartender (1).
Full-time busboy (2).
Part-time busboy (1).
Administrative Salaries (Partners):
Zander Hunte: $ 48,000 per year
Peter Smith $ 32,160 per year
Personnel Plan
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
General Manager (Year 2+)
Partner/Asst. Manager/Exec. Chef
Hostess (Full Time)
Hostess (Part Time)
Waitperson 1
Waitperson 2
Waitperson 3
Waitperson 4
Waitperson 5
Waitperson 6
Waitperson 7
Waitperson 8
Waitperson 9
Bartender 1
Bartender 2
Busboy 1
Busboy 2
Busboy 3
Assistant Chef
Sous Chef
Cook 1
Cook 2
Prep Cook/Dishwasher
Prep Cook/Dishwasher/Cleaning
Dishwasher 1
Dishwasher 2
Total People
Total Payroll
Financial Plan
Zara Restaurant & Lounge financial model is based on a business concept to "Plan for the Worst, but Manage for the Best." We have approached the financial plan as follows:
The First Year projections anticipates a below average sales volume, below average seat turn, and above average food/beverage cost. This position will help us ensure sufficient financial planning to accommodate a reasonable ramp-up period, and business success, also ensuring that we do not enter this venture under-capitalized.
Financial Pro Forma
In addition to the $110,000 of owner investment and $130,000 in grant monies, Zara is seeking $300,000 in long-term loans and $200,000 in investment for renovations, furniture, kitchen equipment, liquor license, food & restaurant supplies, legal fees, working capital, marketing and personnel.
The Financial Plan includes:
Important Assumptions
Risk Analysis & Mitigation Plan
Sales Forecast (5.3.1, above)
Break Even Analysis
Profit and Loss Statement
Cash Flow Statement
Balance Sheet
Investment Opportunities
The Zara Investment Program allocates equity position of 20% for a total of $200,000 in investor capital. The Investment structure is as follows:
Investment Opportunity
Total Investor Funding Opportunity:
Minimum Investment Amount
Investment Term (Investor Selection)
3-5 Years
Total Equity Offering (1% per $15,000 Investment)
20% Max
Starting Year 2
Silver: Projected Annual IRR on Investment of $15,000 - $49,000
Gold: Projected Annual IRR on Investment of $50,000 - $99,000
Platinum: Projected Annual IRR on Investment of $100,000 or more
12% + Residuals
Investor Payback Program
Each Investor will receive equity shares as a part owner, with a non-managerial interest in the Restaurant. Based on financial estimates, the maximum annual IRR is 12%. Over and above the interest and principal repayment, Investors contributing $100,000 or more will receive residuals for the life of the business as a bonus incentive.
As with our investors, our primary goal is to earn real profits and not ‘Paper Profits'. As such we will focus on expediting returns to investors where possible. Our existing payback structure will begin paying dividend every quarter, starting in Year 2 of business operations. Investors will receive quarterly interest and annual principal reduction payments over the full term of the investment. Payback to Financial and Private investors will take priority over any profit shares to the owners, Alex Hunte and Peter Smith.
Important Assumptions
The financial plan depends on important assumptions, most of which are reflected in the financial statements that follow. We have been cautious with our projections, and incorporate a mitigation for all manageable risks. The key underlying assumptions are:
Slow Economic Recovery. We anticipate a slow-growth economy, recovering from an economic recession.
Business Growth
Annual Growth Rate Percentage. We anticipate modest growth over the coming years. The financials account for the following growth projections:
Year 2: 6% Year 4: 4%
Year 3: 5% Year 5: 4%
Weekly Sales Variance. Saturday will typically be our best sales for the week. The sales volume for all other days is represented as a percentage relative to Saturday. Therefore our weekly sales will vary as follows:
Monday: 55%
Thursday: 95%
Tuesday: 60%
Friday: 90%
Wednesday: 75%
Saturday: 100%
Seasonal Sales Variance. In Atlanta, October through the late season is the most productive sales period, while the summer months tend to be the slowest restaurant period. This trend is reflected in the financials though a seasonal variance as follows (where October is targeted to be our most successful sales month):
June: 70%
October: 100%
February: 95%
July: 75%
November: 95%
March: 85%
August: 80%
December: 95%
April: 90%
September: 85%
January: 85%
May: 90%
Industry & Start-Up
Fiscal Year-1 Ramp-up. Our experience in the industry confirms a longer ramp-up stage for restaurants over other retail/service businesses. Our Annual Sales Growth is based on attaining the following seating capacity percentage per dining period:
Six-Month Start-Up Stage. As a new restaurant entry to the Midtown market, the ramp-up in customer draw is expected to extend over 6 months. This is reflected in a higher than average monthly sales variance shown as follows (Worst-case / Expected-case):
Month 1: 32% / 51% Month 4: 64% / 75%
Month 2: 41% / 58% Month 5: 80% / 90%
Month 3: 52% / 66% Month 6: 90% / 92%
Market Analysis findings are static. We assume that there are no unforeseen changes in findings outlined in the Market Analysis.
Pricing & Cost Control
Competitive Pricing Model. Revenue calculations are based upon competitive price comparisons and established menu values in the current marketplace. The following are baseline assumptions on Average Check Totals, and Average Seat Turns:
Daily average for lunch spending is $10.50 per person, dinner at $27.50 per person; and $17.50 per person for After-Hours dining (All check totals include Beverages, but not Bar). Seat Turn averages are modestly estimated at:
Cost Control. Cost of goods sold have been calculated as a percentage of sales and will be monitored on a daily basis in order to keep Cost of Food within the range of 31 - 33%, Bar Costs within 28 - 31%, and Cost of Beverages (Non Alcohol) below 9%. With a focus on Cost Control, we anticipate 6 months to fine tune the restaurant operations and manage our costs within the defined tolerance range.
Inventory turnover and Accounts Payable. Accounts receivable turnover is calculated to be 0 days, as payment is rendered with service. Inventory is turned on a 7 day cycle as inventory is used daily within all categories, and accounts payable are projected to be 30 days.
Risk Analysis/Mitigation
1. How do we allow an adequate startup period and capital to launch the concept and grow our customer base in a competitive sector?
Our financial plan is budgeted to support the Worst-Case business scenario. We addressed the financial risk as follows:
We looked at our monthly break-even.
We calculated worst-case monthly financial shortfall based on the ramp-up sales percentages outlined in our financial assumptions.
We budgeted operational shortfall in an operational contingency budget that we will utilize if the need arises.
2. How do we ensure we have addressed all resource gaps, and have the right industry knowledge?
Owners Alex Hunte and Peter Smith have a combined 20 years of Restaurant Management, Operations and Business Management Experience.
The Financial Plan incorporates a budget for an Atlanta Restaurant Consulting group. Their services are budgeted for the business start-up analysis, rollout, and on retainer for 4 months of business operations. The selected firm has experience with over 72 Restaurant launches, specializing in the Atlanta Market.
We will be recruiting a seasoned chef (national search) whose style is in accord with the Restaurant concept and our market segment. We will be offering an equity interest to our select Chef to maintain the industry knowledge.
Our Accounting service will be contracted to a firm specializing in Restaurant accounting.
3. The current Economic slowdown and recovery state was a key consideration in our restaurant concept. How do we manage a successful restaurant in current market conditions?
Our original effort was to open a restaurant twice the proposed size. As we are in the midst of an economic recovery, we have scaled back the size to reduce business overhead, startup requirements, and business operating capital.
Another mitigation has been our overall Restaurant concept. We have the menu priced at a mid-tier level with no entrée over $20. In addition, we have an extended Tapas and Appetizer selection priced between $3.50 - $9.50, allowing budget dining in a distinguished restaurant.
4. How do we confirm that our Funding Requirement is sufficient?
Peter Smith has an extensive background in restaurant startup. He is currently an International Consultant for various restaurant ventures, and we will use his expertise in past projects as a comparative basis.
We have leveraged our membership with the National Restaurant Association to look at industry averages for this market segment for Restaurant startup and Operations. Additionally, we included a contingency buffer in the financial estimates to account for any potential cost variance.
We have worked with our Restaurant Consulting firm to validate our cost estimates to their industry knowledge.
5. How do we know we have selected the right location for this concept?
Again we will draw on the Consulting group that has the expertise in site selection and lease negotiation. In all, there are no guarantees with location, but we took a very objective approach with our concept. Instead of going in with a predefined business concept, we let the Market Analysis define the need. Based on the results, the Zara Restaurant concept was formed specific to Midtown Atlanta. Site selection was based on space, visibility, and functionality; the city grant award confirmed our decision.
6. What if there is an additional need for Business Capital after the Restaurant has exhausted its 6-month buffer?
Our intent is to be a self-sufficient business far in advance of the 6-month probation period. But as we are considering all contingencies, we have looked at this risk. We have accounted for an operational contingency budget that will be used to supplement any slow periods. Our next step would be to approach our private investors for capital by extending their return on investment. We would also look to the partners' capital reserves as another source of funds.
General Assumptions
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Plan Month
Current Interest Rate
Long-term Interest Rate
Tax Rate
Profit and Loss Statement
The most important assumption in the Projected Profit and Loss statement is the gross margin. We show an adjustment increase in Year 2 as we exit our start-up phase of the business and move into our expected annual sales forecast.
This transition shows the restaurant managing through its start-up period, and gaining efficiency and customer loyalty. In summary, the restaurant will develop its customer base and reputation and the growth will pick up more rapidly towards the second and third years of business. Month-by-month assumptions for Profit and Loss are included in the appendices.
Break-even Analysis
For our First Year Break-Even Analysis, we have an average running fixed costs of $60,230 per month which includes our full payroll, rent, and utilities, and an estimation of other running costs. With direct cost of goods (inventory, in this plan) at 35% of sales, our monthly break-even point is $92,081. We will surpass our break-even point in October of our first year.
As we exit the start-up phase of the business and focus on cost control, we will drive the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) down, dropping our break-even value, and increasing our Gross Margin.
Break-even Analysis
Monthly Revenue Break-even
Average Percent Variable Cost
Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost
Cash Flow Statement
The cash flow depends on assumptions for inventory turnover and payment days. We have no sales on credit, so our cash flow does not track accounts receivable. Our projected same-day collection is critical, and is reasonable and customary in the restaurant industry. We do not expect to need any additional financial support, even when we reach the less profitable months, as the downturns are incorporated into the monthly revenue variance figures. Month-by-month assumptions for projected cash flow are included in the appendices.
Pro Forma Cash Flow
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Cash Received
Cash from Operations
Cash Sales
Subtotal Cash from Operations
Additional Cash Received
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received
New Current Borrowing
New Other Liabilities (interest-free)
New Long-term Liabilities
Sales of Other Current Assets
Sales of Long-term Assets
New Investment Received
Subtotal Cash Received
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Expenditures from Operations
Cash Spending
Bill Payments
Subtotal Spent on Operations
Additional Cash Spent
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out
Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing
Other Liabilities Principal Repayment
Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment
Purchase Other Current Assets
Purchase Long-term Assets
Subtotal Cash Spent
Net Cash Flow
Cash Balance
Balance Sheet Statement
The projected Balance Sheet is quite solid. We do not anticipate difficulty meeting our debt obligations based on achieving the specific goals outlined in this plan. On a linear projection, Zara Restaurant & Lounge has a positive Net Worth beginning in Year 3.
Pro Forma Balance Sheet
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Current Assets
Other Current Assets
Total Current Assets
Long-term Assets
Long-term Assets
Accumulated Depreciation
Total Long-term Assets
Total Assets
Liabilities and Capital
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable
Current Borrowing
Other Current Liabilities
Subtotal Current Liabilities
Long-term Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Paid-in Capital
Retained Earnings
Total Capital
Total Liabilities and Capital
Net Worth
Business Ratios
Business ratios for the years of this plan are shown below. Industry profile ratios based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code 5812, Ethnic Food Restaurants, are shown for comparison.
The following table outlines some of the more important ratios from the Ethnic Food Restaurants industry. The final column, Industry Profile, details specific ratios based on the industry as it is classified by the Standard Industry Classification (SIC) code, 5812.01.
Ratio Analysis
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Industry Profile
Sales Growth
Percent of Total Assets
Other Current Assets
Total Current Assets
Long-term Assets
Total Assets
Current Liabilities
Long-term Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Net Worth
Percent of Sales
Gross Margin
Selling, General & Administrative Expenses
Advertising Expenses
Profit Before Interest and Taxes
Main Ratios
Total Debt to Total Assets
Pre-tax Return on Net Worth
Pre-tax Return on Assets
Additional Ratios
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Net Profit Margin
Return on Equity
Activity Ratios
Inventory Turnover
Accounts Payable Turnover
Payment Days
Total Asset Turnover
Debt Ratios
Debt to Net Worth
Current Liab. to Liab.
Liquidity Ratios
Net Working Capital
Interest Coverage
Additional Ratios
Assets to Sales
Current Debt/Total Assets
Acid Test
Sales/Net Worth
Dividend Payout
Expansion, Payback & Exit Strategy
In addressing this question we look at the Exit Strategy as a definition of our business vision and goals, as well as a contingency in the event the business is unsuccessful. We have addressed this question at several levels:
Expansion as a Business Goal
We have set multiple financial goals to grow the success of the Zara concept, and compound the profit return for Zara Investors.
Expansion (Option 1): Our overall goal to maintain Zara as a unique and eclectic concept. Based on projections, the business has captured market share by the end of the first year. In addition Year 2 brings an increased sales and profit margin to sustain the addition of a full-time General Manager. By second quarter of Year 2, the owners will look to launch a second restaurant concept. This is not a chain, but another unique restaurant concept with strong growth potential. Expansion will be considered with our Financial backers and Investor partners.
Expansion (Option 2): Throughout our business plan we have stayed focus that Zara would be successful as a larger venue, with greater sales capacity and revenue potential. Our objective with the site selection and lease negotiation is to have the opportunity to expand the restaurant as a logical growth and profit plan.
Private Sale: We are in the business of making money. At the close of Year 3, we see Zara as meeting 80.4% of its optimum sales potential with the current seating and space allocation. At this stage the business debt is reduced, profit margins are increasing, and Zara has established market share. We will look at the private sale of the majority interest via A) Leveraged Buyout, or B) A larger Restaurant consortium. In both cases, our interest is in delivering healthy profits to our Investors and Financial backers. Sales and profit margins will be based on the restaurant valuation in Year 3.
Financial Solvency: The financial projections indicate that exit will be achievable over 3 years for the operating capital line of credit. Under a realistic scenario the Company should have over $70,000 in cash in the bank after income taxes the second year. The entire financial debt would be retired by Year 7.
Exit Strategy to Retire the Business
We at Zara are committed to our concept and its viability. We step into this venture with confidence and the success of our respective prior business efforts. No one attempts a business anticipating failure, however sometimes ventures do not fulfill their promise.
In the event that our venture cannot achieve profitability and retire the encumbrances, we will first attempt to sell the operation and use the proceeds to clear all outstanding balances. If we are unable to sell the operation for sufficient proceeds we will forced to default whereby the SBA loan will be in senior standing. Any further outstanding balances will be borne by the investors on a weighted percentage basis of the total amounts due.